DFB women are said to collect the highest premium

The DFB women collect 60,000 euros per player if they win the European Championship in England. According to one report, no other country pays more.

The Chancellor publicly fueled the debate. “It’s 2022. Women and men should be paid equally. That also applies to sport, especially national teams. Spain is way ahead there,” tweeted Olaf Scholz last Tuesday a few hours before the second preliminary round match of the DFB women against Top -Favorite Spain (2-0).

Even before kick-off, national team director Oliver Bierhoff, who followed the game live in Brentford, countered on ARD. “I’m a little surprised by the statement. We as Germany are paying a record premium. A lot of things are being twisted there. The Spaniards are said to have ‘equal pay’, but that’s only the percentage,” says Bierhoff.

DFB allegedly pays the highest prize money

Scholz, who accepted the offer of talks through his press spokesman Steffen Hebestreit, once again drew the focus to the debate about (un)fair pay between men and women. And indeed, the discrepancy between men and women at the DFB is very large. If the men’s national team had collected a whopping 400,000 euros per capita with a triumph in 2021, the DFB women’s team would only have 60,000 euros this summer. A record bonus, as Bierhoff emphasized (in 2017 there would have been only 37,000 euros for a success), but still a significantly lower amount.
