DFB team: Anger about Bayern soccer players before World Cup preparation

Status: 06/01/2023 2:24 p.m

The late dismissal of the national soccer players from FC Bayern Munich is increasingly causing trouble. National goalkeeper Almuth Schult and representatives of VfL Wolfsburg criticized the decision.

ARD expert Almuth Schult showed a lack of understanding for FC Bayern Munich’s approach to the delayed shutdown. “Apparently there were agreements that were made well in advance. If a cancellation comes at short notice, I can only shake my head at it.”said the goalkeeper “Sport1”.

According to their club, the nominated Munich players Lina Magull, Sydney Lohmann, Lea Schüller, Carolin Simon and Klara Bühl should not be allowed to start the first of two World Cup preparations until June 23 instead of June 20 as planned.

National coach Martina Voss-Tecklenburg and Joti Chatzialexiou, sporting director of the national teams at the DFB, made this public on Wednesday (05/31/2023). Chatzialexiou even spoke of a “breach of word” by Munich. FC Bayern had defended its approach with reference to the health of the players.

Schult: Matches the unrest in Bavaria

The situation fits “to all the unrest that has been going on at Bayern Munich in the men’s division this season”said Almuth Schult, who is currently expecting her third child and taking a break from football: “It’s stupid that this is now being carried over there too. It’s a shame that such a topic has to be opened before the World Cup.”

For them it is also a sign that things are not going the way they used to in Munich. “Now a lot has crumbled this season, both in terms of coaching and management,” she said.

Wolfsburg coach Stroot: “Decision made together”

Tommy Stroot, coach of the cup winners VfL Wolfsburg, also commented on the approach from Munich. “Yes, we observed it and took stock of the situation yesterday in the press conference. I think everything has been said about that.”said Stroot in the ZDF morning magazine: “The DFB has positioned itself clearly. We have observed it, followed it. But others have to judge it.”

The ten players from VfL Wolfsburg, who are still playing the Champions League final against FC Barcelona on Saturday, started on time.

Stroot cannot understand the attitude. “We took part in the discussions, made a decision together and stuck to it – but always in exchange with our players, who see no problem at all in starting there,” he said.

Voss-Tecklenburg is looking for solutions

After the Bayern soccer team was later released for the World Cup preparations, national coach Martina Voss-Tecklenburg is looking for a replacement for the first few days in Herzogenaurach. “Maybe the solution is that we take a few players who are on call.”said the 55-year-old.

“Obviously this messes up our preparation on many levels,” Voss-Tecklenburg had complained. The national coach also emphasized that the players concerned have “no disadvantage” when nominating the final 23-strong World Cup squad.

The World Cup finals will take place in Australia and New Zealand from July 20th to August 20th. In the preliminary round, the DFB women meet Morocco (June 24), Colombia (July 30) and South Korea (August 3).
