DFB President Neuendorf against playoffs in the Bundesliga

President Bernd Neuendorf of the German Football Association does not believe in the introduction of playoffs in the Bundesliga.

“My opinion is: We have two really good and accepted competitions in Germany,” said the 60-year-old in an interview with “t-online.de” and referred to the league and the DFB Cup: “This principle, which is I don’t want to question the fact that all of German football is practiced down to the district leagues.”

Managing director Donata Hopfen from the German Football League did not rule out playoffs in an interview at the beginning of February.

She “spoke out against bans on thinking, but at the same time made a clear commitment to the traditions and values ​​of German football,” Neuendorf said of the initiative: “And with regard to the playoffs, she underlined again this week that the topic is not a priority and is not currently being addressed.”
