DFB-Elf against Ukraine according to Völler “a bit too pomadig”

Sports director Rudi Völler has announced that the DFB selection will improve after the disappointing draw against Ukraine.

“We want to do better, and we know that we have the players who can inspire people,” said the 63-year-old on Wednesday morning on Hit Radio FFH’s “Celebrity Takeover” show. The German national soccer team plays Poland this Friday (8.45 p.m.) in Warsaw.

The 3: 3 last time in Bremen was “quite annoying”, the appearance of the national players “a bit too pomadig”, said Völler. “We played wonderful football, especially in the first 20 minutes. (…) Of course, it still wasn’t enough for our requirements.” Accordingly, there was “not a good atmosphere” within the team afterwards. “Everyone knew that you can win against Ukraine or sometimes have to.”

Exactly one year before the kick-off of the opening game of the European Championship at home, the former DFB team boss was positive about the future. “As soon as we play really good football and the level of commitment is what we all imagine, we’ll have the support we need next year,” said Völler.
