DFB debutant Stach raves about Müller

Midfielder Anton Stach raves about his teammates around Thomas Müller after his debut with the national soccer team.

“Thomas is a great guy,” said the 23-year-old professional from FSV Mainz 05 on “Sport1”: “You can talk to Thomas about anything. He’s basically the same as in interviews, always has a casual saying in store. It It’s nice that he doesn’t pretend.”

Müller gives you a lot of tips during training, he “communicates a lot with you,” said Stach: “As a teammate, you simply notice that he wants to go ahead and take you with him.”

In terms of football, Stach particularly impressed Ilkay Gündogan. “His pre-orientation and security on the ball were really outstanding,” Stach said in praise of the Manchester City midfielder. You can learn a lot from him. Personally, I found him very crass.
