DFB candidate Neuendorf plans with Grunwald as treasurer

Frankfurt/Main (dpa) – If elected, DFB presidential candidate Bernd Neuendorf is counting on Stephan Grunwald as treasurer of the German Football Association.

The 37-year-old management consultant is currently head of the auditors of the North German Association. “Stephan Grunwald has everything he needs for the role of DFB treasurer,” said Neuendorf. “He has the necessary business knowledge and experience due to his professional activity and his voluntary commitment.”

The previous treasurer, Stephan Osnabrügge, had announced in the course of the resignation of DFB President Fritz Keller in May 2021 that he would no longer run for this position. The new treasurer, like the DFB President, will be elected on March 11 in Bonn at the DFB Bundestag. He appreciates Grundwald “not only as a financial expert, but also as a strong personality with clear goals and a committed leadership style,” said Neuendorf. “He will do this job convincingly.”

Grundwald was honored. “Healthy finances always form the basis for successful association work,” he said. “Accordingly, I am aware of the importance and responsibility of the office. I look forward to this task and, assuming the vote of the DFB Bundestag, I will do my utmost to ensure that the DFB develops well.” Grundwald was formally nominated by the Mittelrhein Association.

Neuendorf had already announced at the end of January that it wanted to rely on Heike Ullrich as general secretary. The 52-year-old has been in charge of the full-time division of the world’s largest individual sports association since May 2021. In the presidential elections in Bonn, Neuendorf is running against Peter Peters, who is currently leading the association on an interim basis with his colleague Rainer Koch.


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