Developmentally disabled Kirsi’s children were taken into custody – “I would have needed more support”

Kirsi has had problems managing everyday life, as she tells in the Perjantai dokkar.

Kirsi’s mild intellectual disability was diagnosed when she was a teenager. At first, he was ashamed of his diagnosis and numbed his feelings with drugs. Over

Soil frost is a mildly mentally disabled mother whose children have been taken into custody. He tells about his situation Roosa Maskonen Friday docketwhich will be seen as part of the evening talk show on TV1.

– I have two children who do not live with me, Kirsi describes.

The arrangement has been decided because Kirsi had problems managing everyday life with her first child. He watched the nights and slept the days.

– There was also the father’s substance abuse problem.

When it came to Kuopus, Kirsi couldn’t focus on the child. He is diagnosed with ADHD.

– The concentration was always broken and there were dangerous situations.

At first, the children were with Kirsi, and the family work was done on site every day.

– Then it decreased to four and then three times. I would have needed more support.

Kirsi, who herself struggled with substance abuse, now sees her children in foster families every three or four weeks. According to him, the intervals are good.

– I have been dry for quite a long time. But the tests are still that we’ll see if I can bring the children here, Kirsi explains in the documentary filmed at home.

A mother with an intellectual disability today on TV1 as part of Fridays at 21:05 & Areena. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
