Development of the Civic Integration Act investigated | News item

News item | 07-10-2022 | 15:34

‘Involve the target group more in the design of a new system for the implementation of a law. And make a realistic plan.’ These are some recommendations from the report ‘Reflection research; Realization of the Civic Integration Act 2021’. Minister Karien van Gennip of Social Affairs and Employment presented the report to the House of Representatives in a letter.

The Integration Act 2021 was drawn up in close consultation with parties involved in the implementation, such as the VNG, Divosa, DUO, COA and IND. RadarAdvies was commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) to investigate how this collaboration worked when designing the system. The findings and recommendations of the study are expressly intended to be used for comparable legal processes in the future.

The bureau concludes that the high degree of urgency that all parties felt for a better integration system contributed to the result. At the same time, the postponement of introduction led to disappointment among those involved on several occasions. In the letter to Parliament, the minister mentions the lessons that can be learned and the recommendations made by RadarAdvies not only recognizable, but also very valuable and useful. ‘I will certainly take this to heart in future comparable projects,’ said the minister.

Integration chain plan

For the further implementation of the Civic Integration Act 2021, RadarAdvies recommends continuing the collaboration. The minister writes that SZW is drawing up an Integration Chain Plan together with partners. It will be published in the fall. It gives substance to the chain cooperation from 2022 to 2025. It includes joint goals and ambitions and a cooperation structure has been set up.

More details about the report in the ‘Parliamentary letter results reflection study on the realization of the Civic Integration Act 2021’
