Devastation after collision between two cars in Amsterdam-Buitenveldert

Two cars collided last night at the intersection of Van Nijenrodeweg and Van Leijenberghlaan in Amsterdam-Buitenveldert. That caused quite a mess on the road. A driver was arrested after a breath test showed that he may have used soft drugs.

The cars not only hit each other: one car ended up against a traffic light. Both cars were badly damaged.

One of the occupants of a car was taken to hospital for a check-up, a police spokesman said. “He was allowed to leave there quickly, another occupant of the same car had a head wound, but he did not have to go to the hospital.”

Positive on soft drugs

The driver of the second car was arrested because his breath test showed that he may have used soft drugs. “Then an investigation will be carried out into what exactly he had in his body, with what quantities and whether that is punishable,” the spokesperson explains.

How the accident happened is still unclear at this time.
