Devastation after a head-on collision on the N244 near Zuidoostbeemster

On the N244 near Zuidoostbeemster, two cars collided this afternoon at the exit near the A7.

The two cars collided head-on on the provincial road when one of the cars drove straight on and the other wanted to turn onto the A7. In one of the cars was a family with children.

A spokesman for the police said “all those involved are doing well” and no one had to be taken to hospital. However, an ambulance was there to check all occupants at the scene.

The N244 remained accessible, the police is directing traffic around the accident and the driveway is not closed. Both cars are currently being towed away by a salvage company. It is not yet clear how exactly the accident could have happened and is still being investigated.

This is not the first time that cars collide head-on on this provincial road.

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