Deutschlandticket: A third of holders travel more

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – According to a survey, most holders of the Deutschlandticket for local public transport (ÖPNV) have changed their mobility behavior because of the subscription. Around a third (33 percent) of the subscribers surveyed are on the go more than before, as shown by the survey by pollsters from YouGov on behalf of the German Press Agency. Almost as many (31 percent) leave their car parked more often since they have the Germany subscription. Almost one in ten owners walk less often or cycle less. 37 percent, however, said they had not changed their mobility behavior. Multiple entries were possible.

The Deutschlandticket has been around for six months. Since May 1st, users have been able to take local and regional buses and trains nationwide for 49 euros per month. You no longer have to worry about the different associations and ticket categories. The Deutschlandticket is valid in all regions and with all public transport companies. It can be canceled on a monthly basis.

Around a quarter of all respondents to the survey said they had booked the subscription for at least one month in the past six months. Almost one in five respondents said that they had not yet owned a Germany ticket, but could imagine buying one.

Slightly more than half of the participants (53 percent) did not have a subscription and could not imagine purchasing one. When asked why, 57 percent of this group said they mainly drive a car. Around a third miss an adequate public transport offer in their own region. For 15 percent of those for whom a Germany ticket is not an option, the offer is too expensive.

For the survey, 2,120 adults in Germany were interviewed between October 27th and 30th. The results have been weighted and are representative of the population aged 18 and over. Among other things, the question was how the Germany ticket has changed people’s mobility behavior and why the ticket is not attractive for people who do not want to buy a Germany ticket./maa/DP/zb
