Detox holidays, tell me what you’re running away from, I’ll tell you who you are

PFor all (or almost all) holidays are synonymous with escape, evasion from routine, breaking with daily habits, commitments and conventions. Detox holidays, therefore, from commitments, work but not only, unites most. But what exactly do we want to escape from? The answer is not obvious. There are many generational differences, for example, between the so-called Millennials (those born between the 80s and early 90s), and GenZ, alias the 100% digital generation that is increasingly changing habits.

Detox holidays, the mantra for summer 2023

According to a survey conducted for eDreams ODIGEO by OnePoll on over 10,000 travellers, for Italians of all ages the goal is a “detox” holiday: in which above all to forget about Work (39% of respondents), practice a healthy digital detox (33%) but also ensure a “detox” from people surrounding them in everyday life (31%).

Proof of this is that 41% have their own goal lowering stress levels. As far as destinations are concerned, for a break of this type the sea wins hands down (48% of preferences) compared to nature (21%) and the mountain and lake combo (15%).

Tell me what you’re running from, I’ll tell you who you are

But what would the various generations like to detach from: 48% of Italians between 25 and 34 years off work, the 18-24 year olds would like to forget about the telephone and technology (42%). The over sixty-five would take a detox holiday from people (43%), while the Italians between 35 and 44 years old from unhealthy lifestyles (they see this type of travel as an opportunity to take care of their diet, 30%).

Where is this need for detox heading? Sun and sea are fashionable for the younger ones while the over 65s, in line with the desire to avoid too much company, take refuge in nature (20%) or by the lake and on top of the mountains (20%).

Digital detox: useful tips to detox from your smartphone

Women vs men, sea or mountains?

Italian women have more desire to disconnect from Work (41%) and going to the beach (51%) where he doesn’t pick up the phone and also do digital detox (36%), especially to combat stress (44%). Additionally, 29% of female travelers say they also want to adopt a healthier eating routine.

Men, on the other hand, are more tired of contact with people (33%), want to recover energy (37%) and more than women would choose nature (23%) or the mountains and the lake (16%).

Detox holidays, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese are out of office

Travelers from Italy are in third place among those who, internationally, would like to return from a detox holiday less stressed (41%) behind the Portuguese (42%) and Spanish (56%); the latter are also by far the most eager to set up the out of office (one out of two, 50%) and to disconnect from technology (47%). Americans would instead choose to practice detox on vacation especially by people (35%) and the Germans are the ones who most associate this type of travel with a healthy diet (30%).

