Destruction in Alkmaar cafe Skip, investigation into connection with hooligan action

At Café Skip, vandalism was committed by a group of about thirty people on Sunday afternoon. It is probably a group of AZ hooligans† The police are investigating whether the group responded to previous vandalism in an AZ cafe.

The incident happened just after 4 p.m. The group smashed two windows with bar stools. A number of people also got into fistfights. The manager of Café Skip says that two visitors had to go to hospital with injuries.

The incident follows shortly after the destruction at another café in the area: last weekend the interior of Café De Overkant was smashed to pieces by Feyenoord hooligans. The vandalism in Café Skip seems to have been perpetrated by AZ hooligans. Although a police spokesperson does not confirm this, the manager of the cafe speaks in a short response of “a misunderstanding between AZ supporters.”

Security Risk Area

Due to the vandalism of a week ago, the area had been designated as a security risk area. This means that the police must be extra ready here. A spokesperson said that that designation had already been lifted at the time of the second incident.

AZ and Feyenoord were each other’s opponents in a competition match on Sunday. The Alkmaarders won that game 2-1.
