Despite the drought, the dahlias are looking great for the Zundert parade | NOW

The dahlias on the fields of the hamlets in and around Zundert are not affected by the prolonged drought and the water board’s prohibition to withdraw. “It looks fantastically beautiful.”

The twenty hamlets all have their own fields, so it also differs how the flowers are watered, says Ad de Bruijn, chairman of the flower committee of Bloemencorso Zundert. They are not bothered by the ban on extracting water from ditches.

Many of them have their own well, others use water from a strawberry or tree nursery. These companies all have their own well. Previously, all flowers were watered from above, they were watered.

In recent years, many hamlets have invested in drip hoses. “Those are snakes with holes that lie between two rows of dahlias. The water then comes directly to the ground.” In this way the water is used more effectively and the dahlia fields can manage with less water.
