Despite Remco and the Giro: number of corona cases in our country not so low in months, latest figures show | Interior

Riders fall like flies in the Giro, at least 34 had to leave the race due to corona. Is there more corona in society again than we think? Not at all, says virologist Steven Van Gucht. The latest figures from Sciensano show that we are at the lowest level in months.

“Corona is really in a slump,” says Steven Van Gucht. “Only positive news.” Last week, an average of 232 corona infections per day were added in our country. A month ago that number was still at 521, a decrease of more than 55 percent. These are the latest figures from Sciensano. “Although they mean little, of course, because we no longer test,” Van Gucht continues. week we will analyze the waste water from water purification stations for corona.” And on that curve you can see that the activity of corona has not been this low since the beginning of January: “The virus is still there, but very little.”

They also confirm that there are far fewer corona infections at the Domus Medica GP group. “In addition, doctors hardly test anymore,” says medical director Stefan Teughels. “It is no longer necessary. We no longer regard corona as anything other than an ordinary infection. We do notice that patients who are ill often say of their own accord: “I did a self-test. It’s not corona.” That is already established there,” says Teughels.

Van Gucht still points to the course. “At a mass event like the Giro, of course, many people are together and the risk of contamination is greater, we know that. I think that corona tests should be used wisely, with the really vulnerable such as people with cancer or transplants. Whether the riders have corona, flu or a bacteria: they have to deliver a top performance and if they are ill, that is not a good idea anyway. You will always find corona positives at competitions, even those who are not sick, so testing there is a strategy that I would no longer use.”

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Steven Van Gucht about his life before, during and after corona: “I wanted to study medicine to solve everything. Until you realize that you can’t solve many things” (+)
