Despite emergency orders, quiet night in Apeldoorn

Despite calls for disturbance, no incidents were reported at the police station in Apeldoorn last night. A police spokesperson said this on Thursday NRC know. Calls went around on social media on Wednesday for en masse to go to the local police station, where two men have been detained since Monday due to farmers’ protests against European agricultural rules. The aim of the action was to “liberate” the duo.

The mayor of Apeldoorn, Ton Heerts, announced an emergency order in his city on Wednesday evening. The measure, which expired at 7 a.m. on Thursday morning, allowed the police to take action against any irregularities by closing roads, evacuating places and banning gatherings. Anyone who did not comply could be arrested. Since Wednesday evening there has been one in the entire city large amount of police present.

The two men were arrested on Monday evening on suspicion of dumping waste and arson during protests that blocked several highways. After consultation with the police and the Public Prosecution Service, outgoing Minister of Justice Dilan Yesilgöz (VVD) announced on Wednesday that he would take stricter and faster action when demonstrators violate the law.
