Designers create dresses for the Queen’s Jubilee

The garish and extravagant designs stand out against the greyish, stony backdrop of the Tower of London: in honor of the Queen’s jubilee, famous designers such as Victoria Beckham and Richard Quinn have come up with special creations.

British model Kukua Williams was allowed to present the dresses – one in a dark purple, one in bright red and a combination of black and yellow. She was photographed in the iconic Tower of London for the June issue of Harper’s Bazaar magazine.

Victoria Beckham, 48, told the magazine: “We wanted to go for a traditional royal color in honor of Her Majesty for this historic shoot, so I designed an autumn/winter runway look in a dark purple hue.”

At the beginning of June, the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s throne will be celebrated in London. The Brits even get an extra public holiday for this, the pubs stay open longer and there is a four-day holiday program with parades, a church service and a big concert. It is eagerly awaited how many events the now 96-year-old Queen will attend in person. (dpa)
