Designer Joop relies on biomaterials in fashion

Fashion designer Wolfgang Joop deals a lot with climate protection and organic materials in his new designs. “What I no longer want is a bad conscience,” said Joop (78) on Wednesday in Berlin at the presentation of his new collection from the “Wunderkind” brand. In cooperation with the organic fashion company Hessnatur, the designer is once again bringing blouses, dresses, shirts and trousers onto the market.

The artist, who lives in Potsdam, said he wanted to make sustainable fashion without making it look too “ok”. It is a luxury to work with “innocent and fresh” materials. “It’s not a luxury because it’s expensive,” said Joop. «Luxury is an attitude.» Hessnatur’s CEO, Andrea Homann, said there was a need to create fashion sustainably, which was anything but a “boring eco-look”.

Joop also revealed that he still sketches his designs by hand. He also wrote his books by hand, not on a computer – otherwise it wouldn’t go “into the heart”.

Regarding the action of climate activists, who threw mash at a valuable Monet in the Barberini Museum in Potsdam last year, Joop said: “That horrifies me. This is murder of an innocent cause.” He finds attacking art almost incomprehensible. The campaign is also not the right strategy to win people over to climate protection. (dpa)
