Designer Glööckler is looking for happiness in a new docu-soap

In the new RTLzwei docu-soap “Herr Glööckler sucht das Glück”, the designer and TV celebrity Harald Glööckler gives an insight into his life after separating from his husband after more than 35 years of relationship.

According to the announcement, the 58-year-old now revealed to the private broadcaster what men need to score points with him: “It doesn’t hurt if they look good, behave well, are charming. If they have money, you can’t blame them.” That is “not the basic requirement, but I always think it’s quite good if you stay on one level”.

Eloquence is also important: “It’s great when you meet someone who looks good, but if he just doesn’t know how to behave, doesn’t know how to use a knife and fork, and can’t say a sentence straight – is also difficult.” The six-part documentary “Herr Glööckler sucht das Glück” can be seen from July 12 on Wednesdays (9:15 p.m.).(dpa)
