Description of ‘child’ from Neslihan Atagül!

Neslihan Atagül was reflected in the lenses while entering her hairdresser in Etiler the previous day. The famous actress, who seems to be quite pleasant, answered the questions of the press members. Counting the days to be in front of the camera with his wife Kadir Doğulu, Atagül said, “The shooting will start soon, I will not say anything about the subject now.”


Expressing that she loves children at every opportunity, the 29-year-old beautiful said, “Do you miss children?” gave the following answer to the question:

These things are a matter of luck. We have the power, they are starting. I say ‘I want’ or ‘I don’t want’, frankly I don’t prefer to shape such things. I just let everything flow for him. I am living this life.


When Atagül, who also stepped into production, was asked about the differences between acting and producing, she said, “It is very exciting for people to develop themselves in this sense, of course. We started to look at them from a completely different perspective. It was already predictable. But in this sense, we also develop ourselves, gain competence. “I think it’s fun for him to develop himself leads to strange discoveries.”


“Is there a movie you want to make?” and “Is there anyone you want to play your life with?” On the questions, the famous actor said, “There are things we want to do, of course. We hope they will come true soon. When it comes to the subject of the film, this is something that is directly proportional to the scenario and the team established. Someone’s life is written in such a way that it becomes magnificent, someone’s life is written in such a way that it is very written. “It doesn’t excite me either. For her, it’s all about the script. There’s someone whose life I want to play, Afife Jale. She’s a great character, a character that paves the way for all of us. I’m excited to play her life,” he said.


Atagül, who had to leave the TV series “Sefirin Kızı” due to leaky gut syndrome and regained her health after the treatment she received, said, “Have you discovered any of the features you have discovered during the time you spent at home during the pandemic? Are you close to directing?” The question was also posed. The young actress said, “I love taking pictures, I take pictures as an amateur. I am also interested, maybe one day, why not. I need to improve myself in that sense, I think that there is nothing you can do as a director. Because you have to look at everything from a very broad perspective, You need to be able to manage. That’s a long job,” he said.

