Description of Abdulkerim Bardakci from Konyaspor! Besiktas and Fenerbahce…

Abdülkerim Bardakcı, who left behind a successful season in Konyaspor, followed many clubs in the transfer. Aiming to reinforce the defense line, Beşiktaş and Fenerbahçe want to finalize the transfer of the 27-year-old defender.

Fatih Özgökçen, the head of the green-white team, announced the offers he received for Abdülkerim Bardakcı. Speaking to A Spor, Özgökçen confirmed the interest of Beşiktaş and Fenerbahçe.

Here are those words…

Fatih Ozgokcen: There are official offers made for Abdulkerim. While evaluating the offers, we have to consider the interests of Konyaspor and then the wishes of the player.

We received an official offer from Beşiktaş and an unofficial offer from Fenerbahçe. There are also unofficial offers for Hadziahmetovic.
