Depositphotos, the low-cost library with more than 195 million royalty-free photos

Visuals are essential to all professional projects. They can illustrate an idea, dress up a presentation or accompany a text. Although there are many free image banks, the content offered is not necessarily of high quality. In addition, they do not always allow you to find the ideal photo. In parallel, there are paid image libraries, but they are sometimes too expensive. Thanks to an exceptional offer from AppSumo, it is possible to access one of the most popular image banks at low prices: Depositphotos.

Royalty-free images to illustrate all his projects

Depositphotos is a library offering more than 195 million photos, vector images, videos and illustrations under royalty-free license. They can be used as part of a marketing project, a client presentation, a blog article or even a publication on social networks.

In the same category

Thanks to AI, this tool allows you to create neat social media posts

illustration depositphotosillustration depositphotos

The tool also offers reverse search. Illustration: Depositphotos.

Only a few clicks are enough to find the desired content. Just explore the different categories offered, such as background, computer, education… To refine your search, it is recommended to use the filters. You can specify the angle you prefer, the orientation of the image, the season in which it was taken, the number of people present on it, the colors… Depositphotos then offers the most popular photos, videos or illustrations. relevant. However, it is possible to view them according to their date of addition or popularity, or to do a reverse search.

Once the ideal content has been found, Depositphotos lets you choose the size: small, medium, large, very large… Then just click on “Download the image” to use it in your current project.

100 lifetime photo downloads for $39

Depositphotos provides access to an impressive amount of content, in high quality. To take advantage of these 195 million photos, AppSumo offers three new licenses. Each provides access to all the features offered and a number of lifetime downloads. Just choose the one that best suits your needs.

  • Single offers 100 downloads for $39 lifetime instead of $500;
  • Double allows you to download 200 contents for 78 dollars for life instead of 1000 dollars;
  • Multiple gives the possibility of downloading 300 of them for 117 dollars instead of 1500 dollars.

This special offer from AppSumo helps support a good cause: 10% of the proceeds will go to Nova Ukraine and Razom Ukraine, two non-profit organizations that help Ukrainians.

Siècle Digital’s editorial staff presents the most interesting free, freemium or paid tools for professionals every day. Some web products sometimes benefit from strong reductions linked to temporary deals that we select when the software seems interesting to us. As in the present case, some content is not sponsored but contains an affiliate link.
