Depmeyer new open water national coach

New boss for Olympic champion Florian Wellbrock: Constantin Depmeyer becomes open water national coach.

This was announced by the German Swimming Association (DSV) on Thursday evening. The Hamburger takes up the post on May 1st.

“I’m looking forward to this great task and I would now like to help in a responsible position to ensure that open water swimming in the DSV remains so successful,” said Depmeyer.

For Wellbrock and Co. he is no stranger. Until last summer, Depmeyer had already been working as a youth national trainer in the open water sector for two years. For competitive sports director Christian Hansmann, it is “an advantage that Constantin Depmeyer knows our structures well and will not need much start-up time”.

There isn’t much time left anyway. An important qualifying competition for the World Championships in Budapest (June 18th to July 3rd) and the European Championships in Rome (August 11th to 21st) is scheduled for the end of May in Banyoles, Spain.
