Departure Andries Jonker unexpectedly came to Telstar players: “Everyone was quiet”

After the 4-3 loss against Roda JC, Telstar coach Andries Jonker announced that he will leave the club. “Everyone was silent and looked at each other like: what is happening here? Nobody saw it coming,” says Telstar captain Glynor Plet.

Typical Telstar

Also last year it took a very long time before it became known whether the trainer was staying. “Then it eventually turned out well. I had hoped that it would also turn out well this time. I have become a better player under Andries,” says Niels van Wetten.

Poor performance

Telstar finished this year in a disappointing 19th place. The lowest final score since 2010. Nevertheless, captain Glynor Plet does not think that Andries Jonker can be blamed. “You can ask questions about that, but I don’t think it has to do with the things Andries taught us.”

Andries Jonker’s departure was also unexpected for the outside world. Last Thursday he received a contract offer. Jonker then let it be known that he really enjoys being in Velsen-Zuid, but that he wanted to read the proposal first. On Friday evening, however, he indicated that he would not continue at Telstar.
