Dennis Schouten takes a break from Gossip Talk: ‘Drowsy feelings’

Dennis Schouten takes the first time off from Gossip Talk for the first time in two years. Not only because YouTube sanctioned him, but also to work on his gloomy feelings.

© YouTube, Instagram

Dennis Schouten would actually have recorded a new episode of RoddelPraat yesterday in his home studio in Almere-Poort, but it did not happen. The program that he makes with Jan Roos normally releases a new episode every Wednesday, but that is prevented this week by YouTube.

Dennis frank

Gossip Talk has been punished by YouTube for ‘cyber bullying’. “Absurd, we have appealed. That is why we are not allowed to upload for a week,” Dennis reported on Monday.

Now, two days later, Dennis makes himself heard again. He is candid about his mental well-being on his birthday. “27 years old , 30 is in sight and things are going to change. It’s hard to tell, but I hope it relieves to share this,” he says on his Instagram.

gloomy feelings

Dennis suffers from gloomy feelings. “I have a tendency to gloom, constantly asking myself why certain things are useful, what I do it all for. It has been going on for years and I learned to deal with it.”

He continues: “Over the last few months I notice that these feelings have increased, resulting in very dark moments with very dark thoughts. I have to deal with it.”

Back to Enschede

A first step is that Dennis will leave Almere-Poort. “I’m going to live in Enschede again, go back to the beginning and have difficult conversations with people who have learned before. With only one goal: Not just to live because it should be, but to be able to say that sometimes I can enjoy it.”

“Today is a good start: I am now going on holiday for the first time in two years in which we have built something beautiful. Clearing my head with an occasional drink. Good luck ?.”

Support from Rob

Rob Goossens, show expert from RTL Boulevard, supports Dennis. “You will succeed, Dennis! In any case great to be back in Enschede. Just a shame for Juvat and Charly that they have to drive a little further to train with you. But knowing Charly, he will probably find a ‘form’ for that.”

Charly Luske is furious that his double life has been revealed by Gossip Talk. He knows Dennis from a gym in Almere, where they shared the same personal trainer.


Dennis’s message:
