Dennis Schouten misses Wilfred Genee: ‘Staying angry is stupid’

Dennis Schouten misses the time when he was still Wilfred Genee’s protégé. He hopes to restore his contact with the television star. “You can get angry, but staying angry is stupid.”

© PowNed

There was a time when Wilfred Genee saw a lot of potential in Dennis Schouten. After some contacts in the professional field, the two also turned out to have a good connection in private. However, their friendly relationship has completely exploded and that has never recovered. What has happened over the years?

Dennis and Wilfred

Dennis and Wilfred first came into conflict in the summer of 2020. Wilfred then thought that Dennis was too much for Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp in the racism row around Veronica Inside. Dennis then indicated that he did not become a reporter to kiss Wilfred’s buttocks.

In the end they settled their quarrel; Dennis even sat at Wilfred’s Christmas dinner on Boxing Day of that year. A month later, however, there was trouble again: Dennis was then fired by Talpa as a reporter for Wilfred’s radio show. The company only wanted to continue with Dennis if he stopped Gossip Talk, but he refused.

“T*ring lier!”

Wilfred Genee dropped his muse with the greatest of ease. He indicated on the radio to have understanding for Dennis’s firing. He was portrayed as someone who very bad career choices makes. Wilfred was also unhappy about an item in which Dennis VI threw bathrobes against the Talpa building: “A bit strange.”

The quarrel reached its climax in the summer of 2021: Wilfred revealed on the radio that Dennis would participate in Expedition Robinson, which caused him hassle with the production. “It’s a sneaky, filthy jellyfish. Then you’re just a t*ringlijer“, Dennis snorted. In the autumn of that year, he portrayed Wilfred as a cheater several times.


Now, almost two years later, Dennis is looking for rapprochement. In a video interview with Nieuwe Revu journalist Andries de Jong, the presenter says: “I have Wilfred in my heart. Suppose I now say something to the camera to Wilfred, will you make sure it gets to him? Promised?”

Then Wilfred turns to the camera: “Dear Wilfred, we had a great time once. You said something unkind about me then, I about you. Yes, I said that ehh… Yes, don’t let me repeat that either. But it would be nice if we could make a bottle of whiskey together again soon.”

Bottle of whiskey

Whiskey? “We once drank an entire bottle of whiskey together. And I do miss those times. Wilfred is a nice guy, we’ve had some troubles and as my mother used to say: ‘You can get angry, but staying angry is stupid.’”

Andries thinks Dennis is thoughtful. “Ah how sweet. What a fraternization is in the air here. Wilfred, you can’t turn this down, man. He is seeking rapprochement!”


You can see the fragment in question from minute 39:25:
