Dennis and Marianne win the European Ice Climbing Championship: ‘Being afraid is part of it’

1/2 Dennis and Marianne also climb frozen waterfalls in nature (photo: Van Hoek/ Van der Steen).

Marianne van der Steen and Dennis van Hoek from Tilburg can call themselves the best ice climbers in Europe since this weekend. On a meter-high slope with temperatures far below freezing, they climb upwards at a rapid pace. Yet the daredevils are looking for even higher outside the competitions. “A frozen waterfall in the desert in China”, it sounds proudly.

Profile photo of Evie Hendriks
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Eve Hendriks

The Tilburgers look back with pride on their performance this weekend. “It’s actually strange that the Dutch win the European Ice Climbing Championship. It’s a relatively unknown sport because we don’t have any mountains here,” says Dennis.

The duo trains in indoor halls and climbs one slope after another during competitions. “For the real ice we have to go to the Alps or other cold places,” says Marianne. “We like to climb frozen waterfalls in nature.”

“Even more complex than rock climbing.”

The climbing technique involved is very different from competitions Dennis explains. “Frozen water has a special structure. For example, there are frozen cones in the waterfall. That makes it even more complex than rock climbing.”

Due to the low temperatures, it is extra tough. “In Finland it is -15 degrees during the day and -25 degrees in the evening. Fortunately you are dressed for it and the faster you climb, the warmer you get”, they laugh.

Dennis and Marianne climb natural ice all over the world. “We were once in a desert in China where you don’t even expect to find water. We climbed a frozen waterfall just outside the desert. That was a very special place.”

“Sometimes too dangerous to continue climbing.”

Even after twelve years of experience, the ice climbers are sometimes afraid, but that is part of it, according to Marianne. “Your body knows that something is not right, so you are sometimes afraid. That is only good. At those moments we discuss whether it is still wise to continue climbing. Sometimes a situation is too dangerous.”

The Tilburgers therefore advise against just starting the climb. “You need experience, good materials and a mountain guide. So don’t use Markplaats stuff yourself.” The champions themselves are done climbing for now. “The season is over. We’ll take a break and then train hard again to hopefully win the World Cup next year.”

Dennis and Marianne climbed slopes during the European Championships.  (Image: UIAA)
Dennis and Marianne climbed slopes during the European Championships. (Image: UIAA)
