Denise hints at cross-border behavior at B&B Vol Liefde

The 31-year-old Denise Harms from B&B Vol Liefde suggests that transgressive behavior took place during the recording of the program. “The TV world is not my world.”


Denise Harms has baffled the viewers of B&B Vol Liefde for weeks with her terribly superficial behavior. She was even called incredibly empty by a well-known TV critic. Her participation ended explosively when she reacted extremely falsely to the decision of one of her dates, Dave, to go home.

Not in Boulevard

While it seems Denise is eagerly using her participation in the program to promote her bed and breakfast – she’s been posting about it on Instagram for weeks and even mentions the program prominently in her blog. Insta-bio – a week after the last episode, she suddenly spits her bile about the RTL 4 show.

Denise lets in a long post know that she deliberately did not give interviews about how she is doing now. “No interviews, no Boulevard etcetera. A very conscious choice.”

‘There was an incident’

Now that the program has ended, Denise suddenly reports misconduct. “The past few months have been very intense. What I reported has been ignored. A lot of the story has been missed by the production.”

Which piece is not included in the broadcasts on television? “There was an incident that didn’t go well. I have reported this incident several times in relation to the reality of my storyline. Unfortunately this was not included.”

‘Certain behaviour’

Denise then suggests that she has become a victim of transgressive behavior. “The TV world is really not my world. Under the excuse of booze, men still get away with certain behaviors. Women who then stand up for themselves are ‘dragons’. As women in this world, unfortunately, we are subservient to the truth.”

One of her followers sees it as a kind of cry for attention: “If you wanted this story to be broadcast, why not clarity now? In this way we are only going to fill in our own thoughts.”

‘She is disappointed’

RTL Boulevard reporter Aran Bade thinks Denise is just a bit bitter. “This raises a lot of questions. I started calling like crazy with everyone involved. Denise declined to comment further. I said, ‘It’s a pretty fuzzy message. What do you mean by it and who do you mean by it?’ She says, ‘No, I’ll leave it at that.’”

He continues: “I feel like there are so many emotions coming out here [tijdens de opnames]. I also think there is a certain disappointment in it. Suppose it really happened that way, then I can’t imagine the production ignoring this.”

Producer responds

Shownieuws expert Bart Ettekoven knows a number of people who are involved in the production and who say that Denise is just pulling this off her thumb. “I’ve also talked to some people who have been there and they say, ‘I don’t know anything.’”

Producer Blue Circle says in a response: “Blue Circle regrets that Denise does not look back positively on her participation in B&B Vol Liefde, despite the good and open contact so far. We do not recognize ourselves in her post. Our rule of thumb is that every report is taken seriously.”


Denise’s post:
