Den Uniek is a social superette in Beernem

Den Uniek is a social superette in Beernem

Vicky Reynaert: “We work with a social shop system. This card records how many people take with them, what the value of the product is. It is of course low, a limited amount of one euro or half a euro. That is recorded on it “We get the products from the regional food bank in Kuurne. These products come from the European Union, but also from local traders. It is also important that we work together with the food team. This is a social employment project in the Bruges region. They collect food from shops in the area, and redistribute it to social grocers in the Bruges region.”

And so also in Den Uniek, where people can go for food, but also for care products. In Beernem, 42 families are eligible. They receive a card after a social and financial investigation by the Social House.
