Demonstrators want “no police in the outdoor pool”

A demonstrator holds up a cardboard sign in front of the Prinzenbad in Berlin-Kreuzberg:

“Migrantifa” demonstrators consider the new security measures in Berlin’s outdoor pools to be racist Photo: Ralf Gunther

By Isabel Pancake

After several mass brawls and assaults in Berlin’s outdoor pools, the police are now always on the alert. “Migrantifa” demonstrated against the new security measures in front of the Prinzenbad in Kreuzberg on Sunday.

Around 150 people gathered in front of the problem pool “for less violence in outdoor pools and outdoor pools for everyone”.

Instead of mobile police guards in front of the pools, identity card checks and more security at the poolside, the demonstrators called for “more staff, more wages, more all-gender toilets and more opportunities to let off steam”. The demonstrators described the security discussion about the Berlin summer baths as “racist”.

A crowd is standing in front of the Kreuzberg summer swimming pool and demonstrating

Around 150 participants came together on Sunday afternoon for the demo in front of the Kreuzberg summer swimming pool Photo: Ralf Gunther

A speaker: “For marginalized groups, more police means more racial profiling, more violence and, in the worst case, even death!”


Currently Antifa Berlin baths Berlin police demo demonstration outdoor pool
