Demonstrations in major European cities against the war in Ukraine

Thousands of people demonstrate in London, Paris, Rome and Zurich to ask for the end of the war in Ukraine. “We will be here every weekend, in Paris or anywhere else, until Putin leaves, withdraw your tanks,” Aline Le Bail-Kremer, a member of Stand With Ukraine, one of the organizations behind the rally in Ukraine, told AFP. french capital.

According to a police source, rallies in support of Ukraine had been organized for this Saturday in more than a hundred cities in Francewhich could bring together some 25,000 protesters in total.

On London, the capital of the United Kingdom, hundreds of people also demonstrated to demand an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and pray for peace. The protesters concentrated on the central Trafalgar Square with flags and banners that read phrases like Putin kills and Embargo to Russia.

Similar posters could be seen in the center of rome, the Italian capital, where several unions and NGOs organized a “demonstration for peace”. “This is perhaps one of the first real demonstrations for peace. Nobody here believes that peace is made with weapons, sending weapons to one of the parties,” Italian cartoonist, actor and writer Vauro Senesi told AFP, surrounded by of thousands of people.

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On Zurichthe most populous city in SwitzerlandSome 40,000 people called for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, according to ATS, the local news agency. The demonstration, littered with Ukrainian flags, was called by some unions and leftist parties. Organizers expected about 20,000 people, but estimate there were more than 40,000, according to ATS. Police figures are not yet known. Like last week, demonstrations were called in several cities in the country.

Since the Russian offensive in Ukraine began on February 24, anti-war demonstrations have multiplied around the world. Last weekend, hundreds of thousands of people dressed in yellow and blue marched across Europe.
