Demonstration attendees storm the Libyan Parliament building

Act at 04:12


The protest in the city of Tobruk ended by setting fire to the House of Representatives building

Protesters have attacked and set fire to the headquarters of the Libyan Parliament on Friday afternoon in the city of Tobruk, in eastern Libya, asking for dissolution of the same.

Dozens of protesters reportedly gathered in front of the House of Representatives building to demand the dissolution of Parliament and the holding of elections, due to the deteriorating situation in the country. The attendees would stormed the building with a bulldozer, as reported by the media ‘Libya Akhbar’. Subsequently, the demonstrators have set fire to the Parliament’s facilities. After these events, the headquarters of the Chamber would have been completely burned, as reported by the aforementioned media.

Likewise, the demonstrators have read a statement in front of the Courts in which they requested the dissolution of the political bodies of Libya, as well as the supervision of the holding of presidential and parliamentary elections before the end of the year, reported the half Alwasat.

On the same day, there have been several demonstrations in other cities in Libya. In the capital, Tripoli –in the west of the country–, several hundred people have gathered to protest against the militias and the main politicians. In addition, they have demanded a better electricity supply and a drop in the price of bread.
