Demonstration against MAA: ‘Close it now’ | 1Limburg

The demonstration against the airport started on Saturday in Geverik at Maastricht Aachen Airport (MAA).

Demonstrations against regional airports are taking place across the country. ‘Shrink Aviation’, is the message. At the demonstration people shout: “Close the airport now.”

Members of Parliament
At the demonstration there are seven speakers. For example, two parliamentarians from Groenlinks and the Party for the Animals have their say. Both parties have indicated that they are in favor of closing the airport. In June, the Provincial Council will make a decision about the future of the airport in Beek. In addition to the two members of the state, a general practitioner, an extraordinary professor, a therapist and a local resident also spoke.

Also read: No clarity about future MAA

At 12:05 PM, protesters across the country hold a 10-minute silence. “It has already been 5 to 12 for people, nature and climate”, the organization writes. Besides Maastricht, there are also protests at the airports of Lelystad, Eelde, Rotterdam, Schiphol and Eindhoven. Greenpeace, Extinction Rebellion, Urgenda and provincial environmental federations, among others, support the protests.

On Friday there was a meeting of the Limburg Parliament about MAA. It is still unclear which direction it will go. There were 22 speakers at the meeting. There are four scenarios on the table. Significant growth and closure are the most extreme variants.
