Democrats keep overwinning in Nevada under control of the Senate

Four days before the Republic of Germany broadcast a televised country, the Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto will send messages from America to televisie to winnaar in the state of Nevada. He said that Adam Laxalt was a candidate who was appointed by former President Donald Trump.

Officially, the result in Nevada is not yet significant. In the previous results, Cortez Masto had 48.8 percent of the weights aft, then 48.1 percent for Laxalt, according to CNN.

‘Ongelofelijk blij’

America’s President Joe Biden, who says “once a day” says the same, heeds vanop de ASEAN-top in Cambodia, met Cortez Masto and senaatsleider Chuck Schumer om hen te feliciteren. “The result was a reflection of the quality of the candidates”, said Biden tegen de pers in Cambodia. The overwinning in the Senate concerns him with a stronger position for a project meeting with the Chinese Ambtgenoot Xi Jinping, before the Democracy era toe.

After the overtaking of the Democratic candidate in Nevada he had a part in Biden with 50 of the 100 Senate bills in hand, which is the end of the day until 2024 when the Senate is in control. Want zelfs al keep the Grand Old Party de overwinning when de tweede ronde in Georgia, then trekt ze globaal aan het Kortste and.

Huis van Afgevaardigden

The Republic of Germany can keep a small number of people in the House of Afgevaardigden, which means that additional uses will be made in the valley of parliamentary accounts and start with the administration of Joe Biden in relation to the closest medewerkers. Maar zone de Senaat can bet in the Republic of one’s own bets on the ingaan tegen zijn doelstellingen, so as bijvoorbeeld op vlak van abortus of het klimaat, and ze can also geen benoemingen van rechters, ambassadeurs and regeringsambtenaren tegenhouden.
