Demet Özdemir opened her purse for her birthday!

Famous actress Demet Özdemir celebrated her new age with Oğuzhan Koç and her close friends, whom she received a marriage proposal. It was learned that the leather dress with a low-cut back, which the actress preferred at her birthday party, cost 46 thousand TL and her shoes 5 thousand 600 TL. The total value of the combi, including Özdemir’s jewelry, is 113 thousand TL.

Aylin from ‘I Will Tell You a Secret’, Alya from ‘Kurt Seyit and Şura’, Tulip from ‘No: 309’, Sanem from ‘Erkenci Kuş’ and Zeynep of ‘The House You Are Born Is Your Destiny’ Demet Özdemir, who took her place in successful productions, has recently been mentioned not only with her shares, but also with her wedding table with her lover Oğuzhan Koç.

Demet Özdemir finally celebrated her 30th birthday with her lover and friends. The price of the combination that the player made on his birthday was also revealed.

45 thousand TL PARTY DRESS

Those who saw Demet Özdemir’s deep back decollete, who was thought to prefer a plain dress at first glance, could not take their eyes off. The price of the dress with bow detail preferred by the player is 45 thousand 600 TL. The silver-colored high-heeled shoes worn by Özdemir are worth 5 thousand 600 TL.


The accessories preferred by the beautiful actress drew attention as much as her outfit. Preferring simple accessories, Özdemir’s earrings cost 19 thousand 700 TL and her bracelet 42 thousand 300 TL. The total price of Demet Özdemir’s combi boiler is 113 thousand 200 TL.

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