Demands for the end of compulsory vaccination in the health sector

From BZ/dpa

The calls not to extend the facility-related vaccination requirement in the health and care sector beyond the end of 2022 are getting louder.

The Federal Care Agent, Claudia Moll, advocates not extending the statutory regulation, which expires at the end of the year. “I have always said that compulsory vaccination only makes sense if it applies to everyone. I don’t think it’s a good way to pick out individual groups, some of which then understandably feel stigmatized,” said Moll of the “Rheinische Post” (Monday). From the perspective of the SPD politician, the sense of responsibility among the employees is already high.

The facility-related vaccination requirement has been in effect since mid-March. The health authorities can issue activity or entry bans for employees of clinics or care facilities if they do not present proof of vaccination or recovery when requested or do not have a certificate that exempts them from a corona vaccination. The legal basis for compulsory vaccination expires at the end of the year.

Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) recently left open whether it will expire or be extended. “We will make how we deal with the institution-related vaccination requirement depend on the course of the autumn and winter wave,” he said in the Bundestag.

Patient advocates do not want an extension. “The Federal Minister of Health must finally bury the institution-related vaccination requirement on December 31,” said Eugen Brysch, the board member of the Patient Protection Foundation, of the “Rheinische Post”. A nationwide, daily test regime is the way to live with Corona in the care of the elderly and sick, emphasized Brysch.

A few days ago, Saxony, Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Thuringia had called for an end to compulsory vaccination for health and care staff.
