Demand: one and a half years in prison for causing fatal accident Havelte

Eighteen months in prison have been demanded against a 20-year-old man from Dwingeloo for causing a traffic accident in which two young people died. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) also believes that the man should be banned from driving for three years.

According to the Public Prosecution Service, the Dwingelder made a ‘gross traffic error’ and drove carelessly and inattentively. He was also under the influence and driving too fast.

In the early morning of April 17, 2022, a veterinarian on Osseweidenweg discovered a heavily damaged car lying half in the ditch. The doctor was on his way to an emergency report, but remained at the car to wait for the arrival of the police. A girl walked up to the doctor, looking confused. It later turned out that she had been thrown from the crashed car.

The suspect was behind the wheel and was unconscious and smelled of alcohol. Research later showed that the man, as a novice driver, had six to ten times more alcohol in his blood than is allowed. The police also determined that the man had driven 105 kilometers per hour, where 60 kilometers per hour was allowed.

Due to a steering error, the car had crashed into a tree via the verge. The vehicle came to a stop over a ditch. 16-year-old Maud from Koekange was also thrown from the car and died. During the ride she was sitting in the co-driver’s seat on the lap of 21-year-old Erwin from Dwingeloo. He also did not survive the blow.

Three others, including the suspect, were taken to hospital.
