Delays: Startup with AI solution for Deutsche Bahn

Delays at Deutsche Bahn are hardly surprising anymore. However, an AI startup from Berlin is currently working on a potential solution. Train inspections are often responsible for delayed arrivals and departures – and this is exactly where the company is working to achieve improvements.

Efficient train maintenance: Berlin startup develops an AI solution for Deutsche Bahn

Gestalt Robotics from Berlin says it focuses on the development of software solutions for the areas of Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence (AI). According to the official company website, the company works on a project-oriented basis. A current project called E-Check refers to Deutsche Bahn, where the startup is working with the group on an AI-based solution for more efficient train maintenance, according to a company publication.

The blog entry on the company website explains that Deutsche Bahn’s express trains drive through a gate that uses 32 cameras to record the current condition of the train. The collected data is then transmitted to IT, which identifies deviations from the train’s target condition. In addition, robots check other components of the train and can, for example, initiate wastewater disposal and refilling of the train. The goal is not to replace employees, but to give them the opportunity to take care of more demanding tasks, such as train repairs, during this time, according to the blog post.

Deutsche Bahn is the startup’s largest project to date

In an interview with Gründerszene, one of the three founders, Jens Lambrecht, says that the young company started in an eight square meter room. Today, Gestalt Robotics already has two locations, both in Berlin, and has several research rooms. Because of the larger customers, the company now has more options to reinvest the income, adds Lambrecht.

E-Check is the company’s largest project to date, Lambrecht explained. However, he told Gründerszene that the software still had some errors in recognizing the train parts. He did not give the exact error rate. Still, he added that the human error rate is probably higher.

Delays at Deutsche Bahn: Only 65 percent of trains are on time

An analysis by the online platform Statista shows that Deutsche Bahn trains arrived on schedule in only 65 percent of cases in 2022. This represents a further deterioration of around 10 percent compared to the previous year. In October 2023, the trains were only on time 58.6 percent of the time.

Deutsche Bahn says it has already invested 55 million euros in the e-check project for smart train maintenance. The group announces on its website that the ICE factory in Cologne-Nippes is already equipped with the AI ​​solution. However, the plants in Berlin, Dortmund, Hamburg and Munich should also follow suit.

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