Delano wants to become the new Mathieu and he lives in the right place for that

1/3 Delano Heeren on the Willebrord Wil Vooruit cycling track. (photo: Raoul Cartens)

Sint Willebrord cherishes its cycling heroes from the past such as Wim van Est, Marinus Valentijn and Rini Wagtmans. But the village is also working hard to train new heroes. Like Delano Heeren. “I want to follow Mathieu van der Poel. That is my dream,” says the 14-year-old talent from cycling club Willebrord Wil Vooruit.

Profile photo of Raoul Cartens

Delano rides his training laps at flying speed on the association’s own cycling track, including a real viaduct and tunnel.

“If you want to achieve something, you have to train a lot,” says Delano. He was already Dutch road champion four times and Dutch cyclo-cross champion three times as a youth. And four years ago he won the mini Paris-Roubaix. Now at the top of his wish list is: participating in the most famous cycling tour of all time, the Tour de France. “But immediately in yellow,” he laughs confidently.

“All talents who want to continue cycling.”

Cycling has increased enormously in popularity in the municipality of Rucphen. “About ten years ago we had about eight youth riders. We are now at fifty,” says chairman Jerrie Maas of Willebrord Wil Vooruit. In this way, the association is once again honoring local cycling history. The association has now even had to impose a membership freeze.

And the ambitions of the young riders are high. Maas: “They are all talents who would really like to continue cycling. Like Delano, he is an extremely good rider. He has endurance, character and self-confidence. He has already won many competitions with the youth and I see him doing that too. continue to do so in the future.”

Meanwhile, Delano zooms by on his enormous bicycle. Maas: “Yes, we also see that among the youth. In terms of equipment, cycling is not for everyone. You cannot buy talent, but good equipment can certainly help with performance.” And Delano agrees. “Without good material you cannot compete with the top in the Netherlands.”

Cycling association Willebrord Wants Forward has been around since 1946 and has a modern asphalt track of 1750 meters. Quite special for Brabant, which used to have no fewer than 80 cycling tracks.

READ ALSO: The past glory of the many Brabant cycling tracks mapped out
