‘Delano G., alleged attacker Peter R. de Vries, was only hired on the day itself’ | Interior

Delano G. (23), the suspected executor of the assassination attempt on Peter R. de Vries, was only appointed the morning after another suspect dropped out. That reports One today.

According to the program, new decrypted telephone messages would show that weapons had been arranged for driver Kamil E. and Konrad W. the day before. It also explains why W.’s DNA was found on both a pistol machine gun and a converted alarm pistol. With the latter, the crime journalist was shot dead on Tuesday, July 6, 2021.

Google Pixel smartphone

But that morning Konrad W. withdraws. He has changed his mind, report sources close to the police investigation One today. For example, a message from W. to the client was found. He says about the planned liquidation that ‘without a damper it is really a tricky business’. He says he thought about it all night. But he also did not know that the attack must take place ‘right in the center’ of Amsterdam.

After murder broker Krystian M. received that message, he started looking for someone else. The alleged murder broker was arrested in Poland in 2022. According to One today he would have arranged the getaway car and also weapons. He communicated with a Google Pixel smartphone on that Tuesday.

On fire

At 11:38 AM that morning M. calls Delano G. What was discussed in that telephone conversation is unknown. But subsequent messages show that G. is the new shooter. For example, he asks ‘where they have to drive before they set it (the getaway car) on fire’. The Pole calls Rotterdam and tells them to set fire to the car. G. then talks about a beautiful spot in a remote forest.

The 23-year-old Delano G. later stated that he was determined to carry out the murder. Even though it says ‘blue’, by which he probably means agents, because ‘it has to be done today or we’re in trouble’.

In March, the Public Prosecution Service indicated that the investigation into ‘the higher echelon’, or the possible clients, who were involved in the attack on De Vries, will continue. The next preparatory session is on June 13.

Watch our videos about the attack on Peter R. de Vries below:
