DEL schedule: polar bears start away in Nuremberg

In the new season, the polar bears first have to play away against the Nuremberg Ice Tigers (archive picture)

In the new season, the polar bears first have to play away against the Nuremberg Ice Tigers (archive picture) Photo: picture alliance / Sportfoto Zin

From BZ/dpa

The German champions Eisbären Berlin are starting the new season of the German Ice Hockey League (DEL) with an away game.

Coach Serge Aubin’s team will take on the Nuremberg Ice Tigers on the second day of the game on September 18 (7:30 p.m.). The defending champion in the league with a total of 15 teams still has no play on the first day of the game, as the club announced on Friday.

The first home game then takes place five days later. On September 23rd, the Berliners welcome the Wolfsburg Grizzlys to the Mercedes-Benz Arena.

“We want to celebrate a big ice hockey festival with our fans here,” said Eisbären sports director Stéphane Richer. Each team has to play 56 main round games before the playoffs begin on March 8, 2023.

While the first elimination round is best-of-three, subsequent rounds must have at least four wins in the best-of-seven series.


Hockey Nuremberg Ice Tigers Stephane Richer
