DEL playoffs: Ingolstadt is in the final, Wolfsburg stays in the race

As of: 04/10/2023 6:49 p.m

ERC Ingolstadt is the first finalist in this year’s DEL playoffs. Oberbayern defeated Mannheim 2-0 (1-0, 0-0, 1-0) in their sixth meeting. There is a seventh game between Wolfsburg and Munich. The Grizzlies forced the seventh game with a 3:2 (1:0, 2:1, 0:1) victory on Easter Monday (04/10/23).

The 2014 champions won the exciting series 4-2 and were once again able to rely on their strength away from home. The ERC won all three games in Mannheim. Wayne Simpson (4th) took the lead early. After that, Ingolstadt defended strongly, Mannheim ran in in vain. Mathew Bodie scored the decision into the empty goal (60th).

Wolfsburg stays in contention against favorite Munich

Coach Don Jackson’s Munich team lost game six of the thrilling semi-final series against the Grizzlys Wolfsburg, so the decisive duel will take place in Munich on Wednesday.

Dustin Strahlmeier strong backing

In Wolfsburg, the hosts defended with a lot of passion in front of a good 4,000 spectators in the sixth duel and once again had strong support in goalkeeper Dustin Strahlmeier. Munich developed more train forward, shot much more often on goal.

The hosts scored callously: Thanks to Trevor Mingoia (18th minute), the Lower Saxony team went into the first break 1-0. The hosts quickly extended their lead, Tyler Morley successfully deflected (22nd). In the majority, Andreas Eder shortened the lead for Munich (34′), but Fabio Pfohl restored a two-goal lead (35′).

Munich with a lot of pressure in the final third

In the final section, Bayern Munich put a lot of pressure on them, but apart from Chris DeSousa coming back in the game (41′), they didn’t take advantage of their chances and despaired of Wolfsburg goalkeeper Ray Meier.
