DEL playoffs: DEL playoffs: Eisbären Berlin as first in the semi-finals – DEL – ice hockey

Polar Bears Berlin – Cologne Sharks 4:0

The Eisbären Berlin have underlined their title ambitions in the German ice hockey league by reaching the semi-finals quickly. Thanks to the sovereign 4:0 (1:0, 1:0, 2:0), last year’s champions secured the third win they needed in the playoff quarterfinals against the Kölner Haie on Thursday evening (April 14, 2022). The winner of the main round is the only team to be a semi-finalist after only three quarter-final match days.

National striker Manuel Wiederer (3rd minute), double goal scorer Zachary Boychuk (28th/45th) and Giovanni Fiore (55th) ended the Cologne season. The key player was Berlin’s national goalkeeper Mathias Niederberger, said Haie coach Uwe Krupp on “MagentaSport” and called for reinforcements for the coming season: “We always have great expectations in Cologne, there’s a lot of chatter, in the end we have to have the team together.” The Berliners now have until next Wednesday to prepare for the first semi-final.

Straubing Tigers – Adler Mannheim 4:1

The competition has to get going again on Saturday. With a furious start to the second period, Straubing forced the extension of the quarterfinals against Mannheim: Taylor Leier, Kael Mouillierat and Jason Akeson scored three goals in 121 seconds.

“Anything is possible. Score goals, win, go home”, Mannheim’s former NHL defender Korbinian Holzer gave “MagentaSport” as the motto for the final third. Borna Rendulic (27th) had shortened the second half and couldn’t do more.
