Definitive: new breakwater against silting in Blankenberge

Definitive: new breakwater against silting in Blankenberge

Part of the new dam will be accessible to walkers. Blankenberge’s harbor channel regularly silts up. This creates a dangerous situation for pleasure craft. The marina is so often difficult to access. The new breakwater should change that.

“The new concept of an accessible breakwater must of course counteract the increasing silting up of the harbor channel. In terms of mobility and safety, a necessity that now also retains its added value as a public space,” says Flemish Minister for Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters (Open VLD).

(read more below the photo)

“As accessible as possible for walkers and cyclists”

The breakwater will be approximately 600 meters long and walkers will have access to the first 180 meters.

“We make no secret of the fact that it was a fervent wish of the board to keep the new western breakwater as accessible as possible for walkers and cyclists. The present concept prevents the heavy silting in the harbor channel, is safer for marina users and offers the holiday maker the opportunity to stroll along the harbor channel,” says the mayor of Blankenberge Björn Prasse (Open VLD).

In normal circumstances, but also during high water and spring tides, the top of the breakwater remains fully visible to shipping traffic.

The concrete Westerspallet eventually disappears completely. The existing Oosterstaketsel with the original and protected wooden construction will be preserved. The works will start in October 2023 at the earliest and will last approximately two years.
