Defensie wil more vrachtwagens direction Oekraïne sturen | Buitenland

Nu defense and new arsenal of vrachtwagens heeft, state of the open om the sea from our other vrachtwagens aan het Oekraïense leger te geven. Minister Ludivine Dedonder (PS) said that there would be more information about it within the country.

Vanguard ontving the first sleutels van a new loading van Maar delivered 879 vrachtwagens, which were made for a piece in the cabine factory van het Nederlandse DAF Trucks in Westerlo. Total costs: 260 million euros.

The other vrachtwagens van Defense (Mercedes Unimog and the Volvo N10) dateren van 1991 or 1996. The first car went to Oekraïne. “En men is erg tevreden over our vrachtwagens daar”, het bij het kabinet van minister Dedonder. “The possible reason for this is that sea trucks can deliver when the river is inland.”

The transfer of that right to other vehicles in front of the vehicle in front of the defendant was necessary in relation to the security of the person in question, all sorts of options and other things.

The new 8×8 DAF CF Military trucks come in three different versions. Van de 243 although vrachtwagens zijn 171 voertuigen uitgerust om containers te transporters, 52 hebben een platform met kraan and 20 exemplars hebben een Kiepwagen. Of the 636 light trucks (4×4) there were also three versions: 410 pieces with small containers, 174 with trucks and 52 with trucks and cranes.
