Defense wants to expand, two Drenthe locations in the picture

Defense wants to expand the De Haar training area near Assen for military training. According to the armed forces, the current area of ​​400 hectares (4 square kilometers) should be doubled. This is necessary because more and more military equipment is being deployed.

The armed forces announced this weekend that they wanted to expand in dozens of places in the Netherlands. Moreover, it must be possible to train more and more realistically on land, sea and in the air. Defense cites the deteriorated security situation in the world as the reason. “More than ever, the armed forces must be able to defend Dutch territory and that of its allies.”

Two locations have been designated in Drenthe where Defense wants to expand or has other plans. In addition to the De Haar training ground, where up to 150 soldiers train as a company, Defense advocates a new rail connection at the Johannes Post Barracks in Havelte. The current connecting railway line, used for the transport of Defense equipment, will disappear. A new rail connection is therefore considered necessary.

Defense acknowledges that the expansion plans may cause inconvenience to local residents. However, there is no other option, the organization states. “Practicing cannot all be done through simulators or abroad, where the armed forces already train a lot. The options outside the Netherlands are becoming increasingly limited because the armed forces of allies are also growing.”

A new cabinet will determine whether Defense’s wishes for growth will be honored.
