Defense has less and less equipment to give to Ukraine

Defense has less and less military equipment to give away to Ukraine. That is why the ministry is investigating the possibilities of buying more military resources for the Ukrainians. It is also being examined whether Kiev’s requests can be met with other countries, write minister Kajsa Ollongren and state secretary Christophe van der Maat to the House of Representatives.

The Netherlands has been supplying arms to Ukraine since the country was attacked by Russia more than three months ago. At the beginning, the Defense organization mainly supplied lighter equipment, but for some time now it has also involved heavier equipment such as armored vehicles and howitzers. More than 100 million euros worth of military goods have already gone to Ukraine.

The deliveries have had no consequences for the preparedness of the armed forces, according to the ministers. Defense supplied equipment that was surplus or would be disposed of. In addition, items from stocks were sent. The Netherlands continues to support Ukraine. “The cabinet considers it as important to contribute to Ukrainian self-defence.”
