Defending VS onderzoekt bron in the following written documents “from onschatbare waarde” | Buitenland

updatesHet Amerikaanse Ministerie van Defensie is a task started after the mogelijke followed by het uitlekken van a fast link to some secret overheidsdocumenten. The papers contain a lot of information about the sea in China, the Middle-Oosten and the Oorlog in Oekraïne.

The Pentagon declares that the number of authenticity of the documents will be considered as a large part of the declaration of the future that it can raise for the public of the VS in other countries.

He will have a same working association opgericht tussen de verschillende overheidagentschappen om te evaluate weak impact deze gefotografeerde documents can raise op de national veiligheid en op onze bondgenoten en partners”, allus Pentagon-woordvoerster Sabrina Singh.


The documents can also be American media from what can be said about Moscow.

The documents can also be Americase media van onschbare ware zijn voor Moscow, aangezien ze tonen in Hoeverre de Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten of the Russian military apparatus zijn can internally penetrate.

Some documents also contain information linked to bond notes from the VS. There is a lot to be said about it being said in South Korea that it was about to be delivered by American artillery shells to Oekraïne, reports ‘The New York Times’.

Next the analysis of defense is the American Ministry of Justice and a criminal offense started when the law is in place.


The documents will be shared in the first instant via social media Discord and 4Chan. Amerikaanse ambtenaren verklaarden vrijdag anoniem tegenover persbureau ‘Reuters’ dat ze thought dat Russia of pro-Russian groeperingen aft het lek zaten. Veiligheidsexperts laten het persbureau zondag real weten dat zij vermoeden dat he an Amerikaan eighth quote, omdat many van de documents avenues in Amerikaanse were handen.

Bronnen van dagblad ‘The Washington Post’ states that all the selected documents are only meant to be seen, such as papers were in a nimble small part of the story that Russian soldiers in Canada were known to have in official America. Other documents come along with the reports that the CIA promises on the hooggeplaatste ambtenaren van het Witte Huis, het Pentagon en het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.

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