Decision for heat transition in built environment in consultation | News item

News item | 21-07-2022 | 10:05

Today, the cabinet will consult the Municipal Instruments for the Heat Transition Decree. This decree offers municipalities the opportunity to regulate which districts will eventually switch to a sustainable alternative to natural gas in order to reduce CO2 emissions. Various safeguards are also included in the decision. The decision stems from agreements made in the Climate Agreement about making the built environment more sustainable.

By 2050, the Netherlands no longer wants to be dependent on natural gas for heating homes and other buildings. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to work towards it now. In consultation with residents, building owners and other stakeholders, municipalities choose the best way to heat the district sustainably in the district-oriented approach. The solution and approach may differ per district. Alternatives to natural gas are, for example, heat networks, heating by electricity (for example with heat pumps) or green gas.


Guarantees are attached to the possibility that municipalities can determine a sustainable alternative to natural gas. This involves, among other things, a careful process of democratic decision-making. Moreover, it is guaranteed that home and building owners can always choose for themselves which sustainable alternative they use to heat their home or building, regardless of the municipality’s chosen alternative. There will therefore be no obligation to participate in a collective heat network, for example. The municipality must also allow a reasonable period of time before the district switches off natural gas, so that home and building owners can prepare for the switch to a sustainable alternative to natural gas. In addition, the municipality must check that homes and buildings can actually be heated. Maintaining or renewing a gas network for a few users who do not want to get rid of natural gas, while a reasonable alternative is available, leads to unnecessary CO2 emissions and to higher costs for society as a whole. After all, the costs for that gas network are paid by all customers from the network operator’s catchment area.


The decision will go into consultation today. This means that everyone can give their view on the decision. The ministries of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and EZK then process these responses. The cabinet then sends the decision to the House of Representatives. The Decree builds on the Municipal Instruments for the Heat Transition Act. You can respond to the consultation until September 14, 2022 via
