Decide on the name of the bear cub in the Zonnegloed

Decide on the name of the bear cub in the Zonnegloed

At the beginning of this year, Berin Sandra gave birth to two cubs. The bear was previously transferred from Ukraine to De Zonnegloed in Oostvleteren due to the war. Since June you can also visit the cubs.

Wild animals

So far, the bears have not been named. Now the employees have managed to choose a top four. One cub is already being named ‘Malenky’, which means small in Ukrainian. (Read more below the photo.)

For the other little bear it is up to the visitors to choose. You can vote for your favorite on a Facebook post. Either it becomes ‘Nanuq’ (spiritual ‘god’ of the bears of the Inuit), ‘Velykyy’ (big in Ukrainian) or ‘Zirka’, meaning star. You can vote until Sunday evening at 6 pm.

Although the bears look very cute, they are still wild animals. Although these two playful birds will never be able to go into the wild.
